
Showing posts from April, 2022
THE MANY SHADES OF GREY I learned that the only person who can pull you out of a depression hole is yourself. On a sadistically wry note, it is this very same person who determines for how long you will be stuck in there. Dark thoughts are an everyday occurrence for me now. The strength comes in me fighting off the urge to act on these dark thoughts. You know which thoughts I am talking about... "it will be so easy if you just off yourself" "do it and the pain will go away" "this is the only way to end your suffering" However, having lived in the wake of suicide by someone I love, I know that if I took my own life, although it may feel like a swift and seamless way to end my pain, it will leave a lifetime of pain for others. Ever heard of something called "survivors guilt"? That is what they live with after your suicide: your family, friends, loved ones, anyone whose life mattered to you. Yes, I've had that same thought as well... " but